Utaou towa no uta takarakani ♪

Friends are what I should have,
now it the time to do it right away.
I know, but it's hard.

Miracles can happen,
it's true that we won't know until the end.
Nothing is happening yet,
so yes, keep your head up high.

There's an old saying that the child is father of the man.
Say yeah!
I will pour my everything into this future.

Never forget that song on that day.
Sparkling, shimmering dreams.
Memories that never let go.
Everything is wrapped around the song of eternity.

A mountain of complexes,
a mountain of excuses.
Is that fun?

The other side of growth
is filled with many failures.
I realize that now,
so yes, look forward to it.

In a reckless manner you think I came here.
Say yeah!
I thought it throughaltough I had no wisdom.

The wonderful space we were in together.
The happiest time.
A small pile of pride.
Let's sing the sonf of eternity loudly.